A Friend Loveth

September 30, 2022

A Friend Loveth

Fully finished and framed!

Turns out, I already had a perfect frame in my little frame cubby, so I laced it up and popped it in there. (I think I found this 5x7 frame last year sometime at TJ Maxx or Tuesday Morning...I can't quite remember.) Love the beaded edge!

A Friend Loveth - October House Fiber Arts Journal

I changed a couple of things, but it looks pretty close to the original. My conversion is below. All colors are Gentle Art unless noted. 

Tin Bucket Fathom (WDW)
Faded Rose Charlotte's Pink (WDW)
Brandy Slate
Lambswool Peach (WDW)
Garden Gate Cherry Bark
Mountain Mist Cornflower
Wood Smoke Fudge Ripple
Dried Thyme Grasshopper
Antique Rose Romance (WDW)
Brethren Blue Blue Jay
Oatmeal Buttermilk

I did switch a couple of things like the hair on girls #2 and #3 (Fudge Ripple - I used a dark section for #2 and a light section for #3). I didn't stitch the center of the leaves on the flower, but just left them blank. Girl #1's hair is Soot.

Again, the linen is 36 count Parthenon by Colour & Cotton, and I just love it. It's nice and light without being too plain.  

A Friend Loveth - October House Fiber Arts Journal

All in all, just charming! 


A Friend Loveth by Plum Street Samplers
Stitch count:  88w x 61h

Proverbs 17:17 - A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.

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