Notes from Needlework Expo

September 01, 2021

Notes from Needlework Expo

The second Needlework Expo is in the books!

I'm very pleased with the response to my newest designs. Thank you to all the shops that placed orders, and to the stitchers who pre-ordered with your LNS! It's always gratifying to find out you like them, too! It's not just me:)

I managed to get the studio back into "almost normal working order" and even a bit of cleaning as I went!

I'll be spending a few hours the rest of this week enjoying the beautiful light that September brings while I do some stitching and some quilting. 

I love always makes me think of a fresh start, as in a new school year. Leaves beginning to turn and fall, and that sense of a new season coming on. These are merry, comfortable days. Days to savor.

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