Getting ready for Needlework Expo

August 05, 2022

Getting ready for Needlework Expo

Needlework Expo is coming up quickly at the end of the month (August 27-29) and the paper is slowly starting to take over my studio.

Getting ready for Needlework Expo - October House Fiber Arts Journal

Days of printing, folding and stuffing are soon to follow!

Just as I did last year, I will close retail sales on my website for the duration of the event. It'll re-open on Tuesday, August 30, 2022. 

I've got a bit of an assortment of designs coming out this time, and I'll be eager to see what you think of them. I'll be doing a preview of each one as we get closer to the end of the month, so keep your eyes open!

Getting ready for Needlework Expo - October House Fiber Arts Journal

1 Response

Kathy Ingalls
Kathy Ingalls

August 22, 2022

Strawberry Faire is so pretty. A definite must have for me. I look forward to seeing your new designs.

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