Friday Favorite - Milk Paint

February 21, 2025

Friday Favorite - Milk Paint

When I was younger I used to do a lot of interior painting. I was the kind of person who would repaint a room at the drop of a  hat. Sometimes as a teenager, my mom would come home from work to find I had repainted the bathroom, or my bedroom, or the dining room. You never knew!

I have painted most of the rooms in our home at least twice, some have been 3 or 4 different colors. Although, my husband might tell you some of those colors looked exactly the same :)

As I've gotten older, and especially as my shoulders and neck have gotten older, I don't jump into big painting jobs nearly as often. But I still get that urge to freshen up a room with paint.

These days, that often means painting a piece of furniture with milk paint. Or other things. Milk paint is very versatile and easy to use, clean up is a snap and the colors are completely customizable. I love that last part.

I've painted several pieces of furniture in our home with milk paint over the last several years, including this hutch that belonged to my husband's grandmother (the dog takes center stage, of course, but the hutch is behind him):

I've also painted a green end table that was given to me by my aunt, and we found this sideboard at a flea market (it's now my cutting table in my little treehouse sewing room). It used to be a soft mustard color, but I painted it in MMS Linen and it matches the sewing desk like it was custom colored.

Milk paint is also terrific for wooden picture frames, which is the project I'm working on at the moment:

You'll be seeing the finished frame in just a bit at the Nashville Needlework Market!

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