Favorites: Book Darts

January 11, 2023

Favorites: Book Darts

Sometimes it's the little things...like book darts.

Have you heard of book darts? I hadn't until I saw this post by Miss Mustard Seed. She mentions that she likes to mark art book pages she may want to re-visit for inspiration. 

I do the same thing, but it's usually a quote or particular passage in a book that I like to mark. I love to fill my journal and my sketchbook with quotes. This way I can mark the quote with a book dart, and keep on reading. Later, when I'm journaling or sketching, I can easily find it and add it to my growing collection of quotes!

Favorites: Book Darts - October House Fiber Arts Journal

The little pointer makes it perfect for placing right next to the phrase you want to mark.

Plus, since they are small and flat, you can have several in a book without distorting it, or losing little slips of paper accidentally :)

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