Silver Needle Circle of Friends Club - Odds & Ends Finishing


The Silver Needle's A Little Help from Our Friends Stitching Circle

Finishing Instructions (with color photos)

Odds and Ends : A Stitching Trio
by October House Fiber Arts

See pattern for list of supplies needed. Templates provided with pattern.



The scissor fob is small and turning it inside out can be a bit finicky. Just be  patient and it will look terrific.


Stitch design and press. Trace the Scissor Fob template shape onto fusible interfacing twice, one for the front and one for the backing fabric. (Photos 1 & 2)

Cut along drawn line and fuse one to the back of your stitched piece, centering the design. Trim linen, leaving a 1/2” of fabric. (3, 4 & 5)

Fuse the second piece of traced interfacing to wrong side of a piece of backing fabric. Trim fabric as in Step 2.


Fold an 8-inch length of twill tape in half and pin at top point of fob. Layer right sides together, the front (with hanger) and back.

Stitch around the edge of the interfacing, leaving a small area on the bottom for turning inside out. Take care not to catch the twill tape. (6)  

Press and trim the seam allowance to 1/4” inch, EXCEPT along the opening (easier to tuck in later). Turn and tuck opening seam allowance inside and press. (7 & 8

It will look like a scrunched-up mess as your turning it, but it will smooth out. Leaving the extra seam allowance along the bottom edge really helps.

Using a blindstitch, carefully sew opening closed. (9)

Add small pink button to front just below the twill hanger.




    The Threadkeep is finished and assembled in the same manner as the Scissor Fob until Step 7.


    Stitch design and press. Trace the Threadkeep template shape onto fusible interfacing twice, one for the front and one for the backing fabric. (Photo 1)

    Cut along the drawn line and fuse one to the back of your stitched piece, centering the stitching in the tag shape, BUT LEAVING 1 1/2”  BELOW STITCHING. (This is where the thread rings will be added in Step 10.) Trim the linen, leaving a 1/2” of fabric. (2)

    Fuse second piece of traced interfacing to wrong side of a piece of backing fabric. Trim fabric, leaving a 1/2” of fabric. (2)

    Placing right sides together, layer the front and backing piece. Stitch around the Threadkeep shape using a small stitch, beginning and ending at the bottom AND leaving a small opening for turning. (as in Scissor Fob photo 6 & 7)

    Press and trim seam allowance to 1/4” inch, EXCEPT along  opening (easier to tuck in later). Turn and tuck the opening seam allowance inside and press. Hand stitch opening closed.

    Top-stitch around entire tag 1/8” from edge. (3)

    To attach the eyelet, follow manufacturers instructions for making a hole in the fabric, then securing the eyelet using the flattening tool and hammer.  If you are not familiar with inserting eyelets, you can practice on a scrap of fabric. (4 & 5)

    ALTERNATELY mark a 1/4” circle at the center top and stitch a circle using a buttonhole stitch. 

    Thread approx. 10” of twill tape through eyelet and knot to form a hanger. Trim ends. 

    Attach 4 thread rings evenly spaced one inch from bottom edge using 2 strands of CC Snowball. Take care not to stitch through backing fabric.




      The pincushion is finished with a built in pocket on the back, useful for tucking in a packet of needles or your scissors and fob. It’s completely optional and if you wish to omit it, you can skip Step 5.


      Stitch design and press well. Cut out the Wool Patch to exact size of template . NO seam allowance needed. Using a blanket stitch and 2 strands of Licorice Red, sew the wool patch to the bottom of your stitched piece, using the cover photo as a guide. (The corners should sit just under the outermost green motifs at the bottom.) (Photo 1)

      Trace the Pincushion template shape onto the fusible interfacing 3 times. You will need 3: one for the front, one for the back, & one for the pocket. (2)

      Cut along the drawn line and fuse one circle to the back of your stitched piece, centering carefully. Trim the linen, leaving a 1/2” seam allowance.

      Fuse the second circle to the wrong side of a piece of backing fabric. Trim the fabric, leaving a 1/2” seam allowance. Repeat this step to make an identical circle out of a second piece of backing fabric.

      Fold the second circle in half. Topstitch along the fold 1/8” from the edge. Baste the pocket to the bottom of the backing circle. This forms the pocket on the backside of the pincushion. (3)

      Pin the crochet lace trim to the right side of your stitched piece. Overlap the beginning and end by 1/4”. (4)
      Placing right sides together, layer the pincushion front (with the crochet trim pinned in place) and the backing piece with the pocket at the bottom. Pin or clip everything together. You don’t want any of your layers shifting when stitching them together, so it pays to take a few moments to pin and/or clip everything together well. (5)

      Stitch around the entire circle using a small stitch. Remove pins as you come to them. Press. (6 & 7)

      VERY CAREFULLY cut a small slit in the top half of the back for turning inside out. (8) Turn piece and press well.

      Stuff generously with polyfil and loosely close the opening with whipstitches. (9)

      Apply a small patch over the opening using a decorative stitch (I used a blanket stitch). Or, you can use fusible web or fabric glue to attach patch. (10)