New release page for our automatic shipment shops

July 2024 New Releases

Our newest releases are featured below, and you'll find 
Materials Lists and high resolution photos just for your use!


If you want MORE of each chart than your normal order, just let me know.


Distributors will not receive this design until the end of July. And as always, I do NOT release PDF versions of my designs until they are at least few months old (popular designs are held even longer). I want you to be the primary sales channel!


Summer Jam #OH1263

Wholesale $5 / Sugg. Retail $10

Photos for your promotional use

(right click on the photo and "save image as...")



Download a Materials List PDF



Sewing Sundries #OH1271

Wholesale $4 / Sugg. Retail $8

Photos for your promotional use

(right click on the photo and "save image as...")



Download a Materials List PDF



This is an exclusive page just for shops who are part of our Automatic Shipment program. Please do not share this link. Thanks!